**New** Friday, June 18 — Mystery Drive
Brian & Carol are leading an unknown destination drive, weather and temperature permitting! There will be a prize awarded to the first person who figures out where we are going…no cell phone maps or Goggle searches allowed on the actual drive. The only hint is that the destination is somewhere in Lancaster, Lebanon, York, Dauphin, Perry or Berks County. So, if you want to Goggle around before-hand, have at it.
We will leave from Molly’s Convenience Store: 35 Doe Run Road, Manheim, PA 17545, at 10am. Come a little earlier if you want to visit. Pack a blanket, lunch, drinks and snacks as we will picnic at our destination!  And of course there will be ice cream at some point during the drive.
Please let us know by June 16th if you are zooming along with us at: brianpiersol@reagan.com