
**New** Saturday, November 11, PACE Annual Fall Breakfast

The PACE Fall Breakfast Meeting is scheduled for Saturday November 11 at Brothers Restaurant located at 705 Gettysburg Pike Mechanicsburg, PA.  Plan on arriving for a 10am breakfast followed by a meeting.  Topics of discussion will include a review of the year’s events, including awarding 3 members with gift cards for planning their first club events.  We will also be accepting nominations for 3 officer positions for 2-year terms.  The offices up for election are President, Vice President, and Membership Coordinator.  Any member in good standing can nominate themselves or another member.  Be sure if nominating another member, they have agreed to serve. This is an important meeting for our club so we urge everyone to plan on attending.
We will need a good count for the restaurant so please let us know you will be attending by November 8.  jfsmith462@gmail.com or j_sgolesh@hotmail.com
Weather permitting after the meeting Sandy and Joe Golesh will lead a drive through some of the state game lands in Cumberland and Adams Counties.  We are sure we can find some ice cream along the way.
705 Gettysburg Pike
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055