022 Polar Bear Run
Join Sandy and Joe Golesh for the first event of 2022. Think it is too soon to think about the new year? We think not! As has become our club norm we will plan to start the year with our traditional Polar Bear Run. We plan on the usual drive on the 2-lane featuring some covered bridges. The drive is about one hour. The drive is weather dependent. We are ok with anything from 0 to 95 degrees, as long as there is no snow or salt covered roads. We are planning on ending the drive in Wrightsville with lunch at The John Wright Restaurant. We have been at this fine establishment before and always have a great time.
We will meet at The Sheetz 1158 River Rd Marietta, PA for a 11 AM departure. So don’t put the roadster away for the winter yet or at all. Plan on arriving early for some socializing. There is gas, hot coffee, snacks, bathrooms etc,
Be sure and let Sandy and Joe know if you will be joining them .