
This is a Fair-Weather-Only drive.

PACE members are invited to join Mike and Alison for a late-season drive through southern Lancaster County on Saturday, November 20, 2021.

This scenic drive features Amish farmland, a covered bridge, meandering streams, panoramic views, and plenty of two-lane Miata roads with lots of hills and curves.

Meet at Rutter’s #70, 405 Historic Drive, Strasburg, PA 17579.

Arrive: 10:30 am         Drivers meeting: 10:45 am                 Departure: 11:00 am

An extended rest stop at Susquehannock State Park will allow time for a bring-your-own picnic lunch and/or enjoying the view from Hawk Point Overlook: https://www.dcnr.pa.gov/StateParks/FindAPark/SusquehannockStatePark/Pages/default.aspx#FindUs

And because it wouldn’t be a PACE drive without ice cream, we will end our adventure at Pine View Dairy: https://www.pineviewdairy.com/ice-cream-menu/

Email Mike Cory for printable route instructions, and to let him know you’re planning to participate: michaelcory@epix.net

 This is a Fair-Weather-Only drive.