Greetings fellow PACERs!

 Are you free on Tuesday, 08 August 2023?

 Do you like wide open Pennsylvania farmland?

 Do you like twisty PA roads going up and over the many ridges in our state?

 Do you like lush mountain forests?

 Do you like beautiful vistas?

 Do you like ice cream?

 If so, do we have the ride for you!

 Starting at 10 AM from the Dutch-Way Farm Market and Restaurant Myerstown PA, we will be heading north, via Rt 645 and then Rt 125 through Schuylkill and Northumberland Counties.

 “PA-125 runs across ridge-and-valley country in east-central Pennsylvania, not far from Interstate-81. Although the ridges here are a faint, gentle echo of the big ridges of West Virginia and Virginia, there are still some fairly decent twisties where PA-125 crosses them. And, in the valleys between the forested ridge crossings, PA-125 undulates through some very pretty farm country.”

 Once we have reached our northern-most point in Shamokin, we will then find our way back towards Lebanon.  Following the wide open and gently curved Rt 225,  our Miatas can breathe gently as we make our way to the Mouse Creek.  Following the Mouse Creek until it peters out does allow us to slow down a bit, but have more fun at the same time!  Then we continue towards Klingerstown.  This is a nice ride through farm land with some dairy and poultry related business along the way, and some very Miata-friendly roads.

 Sneaking our way down the Pine Creek Valley, and then heading southwest, we shall find our way to Rt 209 in Loyalton.  Heading east on 209 for 10 miles or so, we will head just south of

Tower City, where we find our gold mine!  Well – Gold Mine Road actually.  One last ridge to traverse – so lots of fun for our friendly Miatas!

 A half hour after our Gold Mine has petered out, we shall be ready for post-run lunch, somewhere in Lebanon.  (I am still exploring the possibilities). 

Of course, Patches Family Creamery will be the ultimate destination for our adventure!

 Note – I will be having breakfast at the Dutch-Way buffet, starting about 9 AM.  If you would like to join me, please let me know ahead of time so I can make a reservation (needed if more than 6 folks will be fueling up at the buffet). 

 Please contact me at if you would like to sign up for this Miata Adventure!

If email does not work for you, feel free to call me at 215-720-8555 and leave a message with your name and phone #.

 Twistingly yours,

Matt Loizeaux